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Sport fun for kids

More than 300 learners are expected to participate in an Easter holiday programme in Kensington to coach them in cricket, netball, soccer, rugby and life skills.

Play Sport4Life’s initiative from Monday 3 to Friday 7 April is part of a commitment by the organisation to promote an active lifestyle for schoolchildren on holiday.

Play Sport4Life is a not-for-profit community organisation set up by businessman and sports lover Miles October. It has been going for four years and has run clinics and sports events across the peninsula but particularly in Kensington.

October says the clinics have proven that children need more encouragement to participate in sports.

“It has proven to be a very popular programme in the Kensington area, with a huge demand from previous participants to have more throughout the year,” he says.

“For this Easter holiday programme we will again be providing expert coaches in rugby, soccer and netball to teach the basic skills to some and hone the skills of others. We are partnering with the JP21 Project, which was founded by Proteas star JP Duminy, to teach cricket skills on the day. Hopefully we could be setting another JP Duminy on the road to stardom.”

October adds that while the sports activities are an important part of the programme, there is also a focus on the negative influences in the children’s ­neighbourhoods.

“There are so many dangers out there for them and part of our aim is to make them aware of how to steer clear of these influences,” he says.

“We have also invited the Western Cape Education Department to be part of the activities by hosting life skills sessions as part of its safe schools programme.

“We are focussed on providing four to five hours of high intensity sports and life skills activities that hopefully will have long-term benefits for the children.”

The programme is taking place at the 14th Avenue sports ground in Kensington from 09:00 every day. The safe schools programme will provide refreshments for the children.

For more information call Nikki on 021 461 4436 or 072 268 3251.


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